Here she is being fed bacon by KT but debating whether to blast him for his singing. KT takes a potato chip... and EATS it! Would likely have been rather overboard, sure - but that's what High Quality is for - DNA coding in videos. Features designed specifically for teachers. I wonder the wife can have a name Shannon, Does anyone know if there is a second part to this film? One letter off from Peter Pan's fairy friend Tinkerbell is this flammable fairy. <_<. Here's my guess as to why. I wouldn't mind seeing "Sawing For Teens" as a real TV show. Still, nice Jack in the Box costume, eh? Man eats roast hedgehog, begins to wish he'd gone to Sonic instead. Learn more, The Big Snit, Richard Condie, provided by the National Film Board of Canada. 1990 : Publication of the ODS1, replacing the Petit Larousse Illustré (PLI), used as a reference by players until then. KT makes fun of the sky! I decided to draw KT delivering said shipment of cookies, but I didn't have the idea until after 5 p.m. TRY MAKEAGIF PREMIUM … DATE: 2009-02-03 — FILESIZE: 29930 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 734x455 pixels. What a waste of my tax dolars. Apparently she has some sort of energy powers. Drawn by me and Babs at Anthrocon. DATE: 2009-02-04 — FILESIZE: 62951 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 355x954 pixels. Share it. DATE: 2009-02-28 — FILESIZE: 266977 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 787x1001 pixels. Welcome to my cartoons page! The Big Snit. EFL Classroom - 344 Followers, 20 Following, 455 pins | We are an international community of teachers with thousands of members helping each other. We started drawing stuff about Bolt at bottom left, and it all spiraled inward to the center. Catherinebot, programmed to be proficient with language, became aware that the name "Catherine" has many different possible spellings. something else? DATE: 2009-05-29 — FILESIZE: 71883 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 781x543 pixels, DATE: 2009-06-20 — FILESIZE: 163584 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 786x1089 pixels. Especially stomping styrofoam cups. History. 1998. Not QUITE as live … Pedagogical evaluations and study guides are only available to CAMPUS subscribers. Upload, customize and create the best GIFs with our free GIF animator! John is now legally and physically Jane, but Mr. Hat Guy can't seem to get it through his skull that she doesn't want to be called John anymore. DATE: 2009-01-02 — FILESIZE: 136543 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 796x1077 pixels. KT's misperformance of "The Star-Spangled Banner" angers and upsets the Commissioner of Baseball. Sort: Relevant Newest # kumail nanjiani # ray romano # the big sick # youre not that funny # 911 # kumail nanjiani # september 11 # ray romano # holly hunter # kumail nanjiani # the big sick # what # huh # zoe kazan # the big sick # ray romano # zaddy # the big sick # zoe kazan # the big sick DATE: 2009-08-06 — FILESIZE: 149133 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 804x1092 pixels. He eats all the leaves on the acacia tree, and then other giraffes may die. 1973. But then it malfunctions like in that episode of Star Trek. Share to Reddit. I think she might look like this. Dated movie references. Miscellaneous sketches: A meal of sauces, roast hedgehog, angry (and hungry) people (and things), the internet hospital, and KT is always right. He is an evil giraffe. SAWING! 1985. DATE: 2009-11-09 — FILESIZE: 22230 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 746x682 pixels, DATE: 2009-11-14 — FILESIZE: 81226 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 605x812 pixels. How the kinky turtle spent Thanksgiving: by trick-or-treating. He hates that name (as do most Chicagoans, apparently) and threatens to paint the whole tower hot pink unless they change it back! The Big Snit Scrabble Laptop Case Teepublic Richard Con Kt S Cartoons Babs So Weird Gif The Big Snit Calesita Music You The Big Snit Scrabble Pillow Teepublic Hereditary Delivers A New Kind Of Horror The Yorker Stop … I thought of several billboards for it, but the last one turned out to be offensive so I quickly covered for it. KT and friends dressed warmly for cold winter weather. DATE: 2009-09-23 — FILESIZE: 113281 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 792x1092 pixels. DATE: 2009-10-07 — FILESIZE: 67963 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 984x719 pixels. Details :-D. Apparently, this film inspired a Scrabble scene in the second-ever episode of The Simpsons, according to Matt G. in the DVD commentary... my second to last try I am so sick of "Sorry this film is not availiable". Zekrom65437, 16 Aug 2012; Does anyone remember a little animated video called the postman I would like to know where to see this probably made in the late sixties early seventies. DATE: 2009-04-08 — FILESIZE: 34395 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 550x557 pixels. DATE: 2009-02-28 — FILESIZE: 55427 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 675x807 pixels. Well pull my lips off! KT has been invited to perform the National Anthem at a baseball game for who knows what reason. DATE: 2009-04-08 — FILESIZE: 26475 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 530x736 pixels. Also, zie had, DATE: 2009-08-06 — FILESIZE: 29332 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 315x506 pixels. Posted in FILM 6 , film 6- Experiments , film 6- Research | Leave a reply Create a free website or blog at Consistency. Added 4 years ago anonymously in funny GIFs Source: Watch the full video | Create GIF from this video. And will you STOP! DATE: 2009-07-11 — FILESIZE: 122280 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 809x1085 pixels. Bambi Meets Godzilla. So I decided to put a bunch of them in my sketchbook and make fun of them by drawing stuff around them. 2020. DATE: 2009-05-10 — FILESIZE: 49447 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 796x1001 pixels. Page 1 of 2. The best GIFs are on GIPHY. Trad Fox chats with KT about his here-again gone-again nostrils. run. Copy link to clipboard. I love this film and it's a classic, but had it been done one year later, it would've never been as popular. For some … Because it's Bunny Day. Search, discover and share your favorite The Big Sick GIFs. Share to Facebook. KT is SO WEIRD! Because there are no sacred cows! 9, from the Shane Acker movie of the same name, meets a sackboy from the "Little Big Planet" videogame. Drawn by me and Babs at Anthrocon. Teleia tries hard to grow a third brain for zir new head. Drawn by me and Babs at MFF. Report. Based on a LiveJournal post on my friends-list (friends-locked, sadly), in which a certain Martian tiger, annoyed by dangerously high levels of stupidity in YouTube comment sections, demanded a steamer trunk full of cookies by 5 p.m. or she would go pyrotechnic on the internet. DATE: 2009-09-14 — FILESIZE: 63917 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 921x570 pixels, Here's a question a lot of restaurants will ask you these days: smorking or non-smorking? KT sings the alphabet song as only he can, inserting references to Abraham Lincoln, shakes, cakes, peas, war, eggs, meat, Nome, and Syngman Rhee. KT meets a squirrel named Savarin, but when he quotes "The Big Lebowski", he finds that Savarin has trouble with two things: 1. Me think song "Still Alive" would go... like this! DATE: 2009-09-23 — FILESIZE: 174602 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 791x1067 pixels. Screw you all I am going back to downloading. Rizz. DATE: 2009-02-18 — FILESIZE: 157861 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 899x1224 pixels. Also, I love that the couple's dialogue sounds ad lib and the cat sounds like a man. I'm going to Utah to start a UFO cult.". Unfortunately, nobody seems interested in participating. Note Doris's cute fuzzy bear paw slippers (or wolf paws or whatever they are), as well as Teleia's use of one scarf for two necks. DATE: 2009-04-08 — FILESIZE: 90332 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 772x855 pixels. DATE: 2009-12-01 — FILESIZE: 116676 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 1076x796 pixels. Meanwhile, I decided to draw KT as a wireframe model, and talk in rhyme. DATE: 2009-06-23 — FILESIZE: 74918 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 793x665 pixels. Heavy Traffic. Fine, fine, he was the first President of South Korea. why call them votes...put in an option to 'not like'? What if Dana Claire Simpson's character Raine Dog were animated by Hanna-Barbera? and at the end the dog says "That's it, i'm out of here, man. abcdefg.gif DATE: 2009-01-02 — FILESIZE: 136543 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 796x1077 pixels ... And then he and Babs make SO MANY REFERENCES to the National Film Board of Canada's short "The Big Snit"! The Big Snit has given me ideas on how to arrange conflict in domesticated environments. KT-Babs-SO-EPIC.gif DATE: 2009-11-29 — FILESIZE: 108220 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 752x1078 pixels Drawn by Babs and me at MFF. DATE: 2009-12-01 — FILESIZE: 70046 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 811x584 pixels. escape. DATE: 2009-02-04 — FILESIZE: 33662 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 494x548 pixels. It was once popular online, until Rick Astley himself showed up to rickroll the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, at which point the whole thing was clearly over. Anyway, you have just been KT-rolled! This is a great cartoon. And then he and Babs make SO MANY REFERENCES to the National Film Board of Canada's short "The Big Snit"! panic. Browse MakeaGif's great section of animated GIFs, or make your very own. DATE: 2009-05-08 — FILESIZE: 355299 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 799x1084 pixels. Page 1 of 2. Collaboration by me and Babs. [nodnod], DATE: 2009-02-04 — FILESIZE: 58336 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 542x650 pixels. See it. Bring it home with you with its’official merchandise! 1969. DATE: 2009-02-18 — FILESIZE: 159478 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 899x1133 pixels. DATE: 2009-04-13 — FILESIZE: 247362 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 682x592 pixels. The Meaning of Life. An Oscar® nominee enjoyed by millions of fans, this film is a classic example of Richard Condie's off-the-wall humour. A conbadge of Cheeto, the basketball-playing wolfote, which I drew for Babs (who created Cheeto) on the way to Further Confusion. DATE: 2009-02-04 — FILESIZE: 10232 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 353x459 pixels. How to use snitch in a sentence. KT discovers that the Sears Tower in Chicago has recently been renamed the Willis Tower. THE TABLE! Babs drew KT, I drew Babs. DATE: 2009-06-23 — FILESIZE: 237820 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 797x1075 pixels. DATE: 2009-08-06 — FILESIZE: 56245 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 848x510 pixels, DATE: 2009-08-06 — FILESIZE: 42531 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 441x791 pixels. The Big Snit Escape GIF SD GIF HD GIF MP4. DATE: 2009-07-11 — FILESIZE: 81888 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 690x1057 pixels. Daughter Number Three: Grueling, Grueling October. ; 1999 : Publication of the ODS3, with 2000 new entries. THE TABLE! DATE: 2009-02-03 — FILESIZE: 21490 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 578x528 pixels. I am glad to see this here , I just love it ! It's "Hotel 10 KM" Swing You Sinners! DATE: 2009-09-13 — FILESIZE: 272345 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 1094x774 pixels. the big sick 35795 GIFs. For some reason, KT got more realistic and creepy, while Babs got more abstract and enigmatic and turned into a factory with a fractal, or "fractory" if you will. baroda. DATE: 2009-02-15 — FILESIZE: 97848 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 953x830 pixels. And then wonders about the trans-fat reference in the package labeling. And of course Teleia can't resist playing around with the concept of an eyepatch, and its concealment of information such as "how many eyes". DATE: 2009-02-15 — FILESIZE: 20136 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 329x479 pixels, DATE: 2009-02-15 — FILESIZE: 131209 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 342x911 pixels. Watch out, she's hot! Babs decided to draw herself in Yin Yang Yo style, because one of the GOHs was Bob Boyle, the creator of Yin Yang Yo!. The big snit is awesome. Share to Twitter. The adventures of Boltroid and Steve, the crimefighting team of a robot and a skunk. redoak, 1 May 2012; J'adore, j'arrête pas de secouer mes yeux depuis! DATE: 2009-01-15 — FILESIZE: 32914 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 564x713 pixels. DATE: 2009-12-05 — FILESIZE: 86171 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 614x850 pixels. Teleia propels zir head into the air, to the mild amazement of Dr. Weird's assistant Steve. GIF it. I don't think there's anything written on the scrabble bits that the man disintegrates into, though. DATE: 2009-09-23 — FILESIZE: 26297 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 697x891 pixels, Boy George as a wolf, literally tumbling 4 ya. "HOTEL ____"? DATE: 2009-02-15 — FILESIZE: 41615 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 697x781 pixels. Well, I decided to parody it with a non-animated icon saying "I HATE STABBING". Mittens looks askance as Bolt looks at Rhino who looks all :awesomeface:. Metaphor – The Big Snit on January 3, 2012; Synecdoche on January 3, 2012; Condensation in Animation on January 3, 2012; Metamorphosis on January 3, 2012; Recent Posts. More miscellaneous sketches: Make sure your car is snapped together, don't take any wooden nickels, don't beans (you can bean, but you can't beans), fluorescent lights of different compactness, shading exercises, and 6 the Blasé Gryphon. Babs complains about the humidity, but KT thinks it's not that bad. MUHAHAHAHA. DATE: 2009-04-08 — FILESIZE: 8298 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 342x347 pixels. DATE: 2009-03-10 — FILESIZE: 144082 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 769x1104 pixels. Then one day she stopped doing that. One day I came up with an idea for the name of a burger restaurant, plus an ad campaign for it: OHAY Burgers, in which OHAY stands for "Our Hamburgers Are Yummy". ... max 10MB photo or 2MB GIF Add photo or GIF from web: How to add photo or GIF from … I guess because they don't normally sell them in pairs. Dude, you know Snit's an idiot, right? Page 2 of 2. DATE: 2009-11-29 — FILESIZE: 153612 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 774x1078 pixels. 2010. Copy embed to clipboard. And will you STOP! So KT gets a thyme machine and, um, weird stuff happens. DATE: 2009-07-10 — FILESIZE: 99392 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 801x1096 pixels. SAWING! has anyone figured out what the scrabble letters flying up to heaven at the end spell? Share to Pinterest. The Big Snit on Make a GIF. Face Like a Frog. Partially inspired by a real, somewhat contentious discussion on FurAffinity. Early one cold crisp morning, Doris comes downstairs as I rhapsodize about coffee for some reason (I don't even drink the stuff), notices Teleia's Teleia-head slippers and wonders whether those are slippers or what! What if GLaDOS were Cookie Monster? 1075. DATE: 2009-09-23 — FILESIZE: 26237 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 467x513 pixels. Paul Lang on Twitter: "It's Snit! Share to Tumblr. Most British sitcoms of the sixties featured these two droll characters: Chipper & Arch. Teleia tries to grow a third head, but zie runs out of brains for it. The Spirochaete Trail: The Big Snit (1985) 20 great books that show empathy, kindness (extract from The ... HAFF 2016 by Anet ter Horst - issuu. DATE: 2009-02-03 — FILESIZE: 83522 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 752x1083 pixels. The Big Snit. A while ago on FurAffinity, various people started sporting animated icons depicting their characters stabbing, along with a message such as "I HATE IDIOTS", "I HATE EVERYTHING", "I LOVE STABBING", etc. The lone male is tasked with watching over the tadpoles and a number of them got isolated in a small puddle because the sun was quickly drying things up. Bored with doors, KT installs a transporter in his house. like BlackFly, and Big Snit. KT can't curl his tongue into a tube, but Teleia can. Love this film? Feel free to browse using the links below. Babs drew KT, I drew Babs. Embed. Thats it! Billy's Balloon. ; 2008 : Publication of the ODS5, with 2500 new entries. DATE: 2009-01-26 — FILESIZE: 89367 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 297x488 pixels. 1988. June 2012; May 2012; January 2012; November 2011; September 2011; Categories. The big snit you the big snit scrabble big snit from animation greats canada the simpsons family values how. Why Shooting Techniques Are Important to An Editor; Shot/Reverse Shot; Common Cuts; POV; Continuity Editing; Archives. KT wants to watch the fireworks on the 4th of July, but Babs, being Canadian, already saw fireworks on Canada Day, July 1. I seem to remember him and her arguing, then he starts sawing more stuff, including the walls of the house, she's running around screaming, "Toilet!, Toilet!" I was watching this nature show earlier where all the frogs were leaving the area where the female did her thing save for this one lone male. 1983. Unfortunately he plays it to the tune of "Take On Me" by A-Ha. DATE: 2009-09-23 — FILESIZE: 33775 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 1014x290 pixels. ; 2004 : Publication of the ODS4, with 750 new entries. 2000. Also, Teleia has two different kinds of hats. ), DATE: 2009-09-23 — FILESIZE: 85551 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 1074x452 pixels. robbie 51, the short film is called " special delivery", Does anyone remember a little animated video called the postman I would like to know where to see this probably made in the late sixties early seventies, J'adore, j'arrête pas de secouer mes yeux depuis! Whaddya mean you don't know who Syngman Rhee is? Hannah Snit | I'm a Latina-Jewish woman who loves elevating the physical and everything aesthetically pleasing to the eye. Miscellaneous sketches: KT balancing on a broom, Colgate donuts, talking animals meeting real live humans, KT sleeping on Sefo's shoulder, and of course your humble surf-ant. Has anyone else thouught about it? 2. DATE: 2009-05-08 — FILESIZE: 344918 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 789x1086 pixels. 2D Animation; Art and Design … KT lifts his voice in glorious harmony... and sings! Drawn for Colley at Furry Fiesta, of Colley's skunk character Mandy. This poignant and hilarious animated film perfectly captures the intersection of a domestic quarrel and a global nuclear war. DATE: 2009-08-21 — FILESIZE: 39051 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 587x700 pixels. Snitch definition is - one who snitches : tattletale. 0. actually, my guess is it's *not* the NFB, but it's on a compilation with others from the NFB. Doris shows up at KT and Sefo's house all angry and pissed off, thanks to all the morons on the road who can't frigging drive. This poignant and hilarious animated film perfectly captures the intersection of a domestic quarrel and a global nuclear war. At Rainfurrest, someone was giving out handfuls of sparkly stickers. Or maybe I have it mixed up with another. Wisdom Teeth. DATE: 2009-02-28 — FILESIZE: 21528 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 567x458 pixels. Share URL. Why? I have seen enough of the "sorry this film is not availiable". Share to iMessage. 2005. Teleia shows off a cute pink bikini at the beach, and answers an unseen questioner. Apparently "smorking" means "saying the word, DATE: 2009-09-22 — FILESIZE: 251025 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 973x1280 pixels. World of Tomorrow Episode Three: The Absent Destinations of David Prime. Drawn by me and Babs at Anthrocon. Teleia splits zir head into two. ; 1994 : Publication of the ODS2, with 1500 new entries, correcting the few mistakes and omissions of the previous version. And then I decided that stomping was much more fun than stabbing. DATE: 2009-11-29 — FILESIZE: 108220 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 752x1078 pixels. robbie51, 1 May 2012; Very Funny tale about life! ; … An Oscar® nominee enjoyed by millions of fans, this film is a classic example of Richard Condie's off-the-wall humour. Details File Size: 3175KB Duration: 4.000 sec Dimensions: 498x280 Created: 5/6/2020, 9:04:00 PM Rejected. CAPTION. Drawn for Portzebie at Furry Fiesta, of Portz's character Nail, who wears an eyepatch. You know how to use Google! Teleia pulls zir own head off with a *poink*! provided by the National Film Board of Canada, Lady Fishbourne's Complete Guide to Better Table Manners.

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