Winter temperatures and precipitation will be above normal, while snowfall will be above normal in the east and below normal in the west. Submit a Storm Report Please select one of the following: Experimental Graphical Hazardous Weather Outlook,, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. This was the 34th largest value in the 54-year satellite record. Localized blizzard conditions occurred on a couple additional instances across downslope wind-prone areas on the western and eastern slopes of the Coteau this month, thanks in part to a substantial snow pack and cold air. Colder or warmer? All NOAA. For more on this event, visit NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information, State of the Climate: National Snow and Ice for January 2020, published online February 2020, retrieved on February 15, 2021 from,, February US Release: Mon, 8 Mar 2021, 11:00 AM EST, Observations Watertown tied a daily record for snow on January 3rd, of 3.5” (2009). Observed Precipitation In Rochester MN, 11 of the 22 La Niña winters were snowier-than-normal. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Snow Totals For January 18-19, 2020. Skyscanner Newsletter. Snowfall will be greater than normal in the Northeast, Wisconsin, Upper Michigan, the High Plains, and northern Alaska and below normal in most other areas that receive snow. I’m going with an even 20 degrees, cold enough for a #SnuggleAlert; How many inches of snow? Below is a chart featuring daily high temperatures (number value) as well as their departures from normal (blue shading is colder than average, orange is warmer than average) through January for Aberdeen, Watertown and Pierre, in that order. Subscribe This can cause seasonal snowfall totals along the coasts to be above normal and can affect winter-time coastal erosion due to wind-driven waves crashing along the shoreline. Warmer, maybe even shorts in January warm. See weather overview. The snowfall totals are averages based on weather data collected from 1981 to 2010 for the NOAA National Climatic Data Center. This could mean an active start to the winter season and perhaps a few snow … Melting of winter and spring mountain snowpack provides a crucial summer water source across much of the western United States. Winter storms could dish out a whopping 55 to 65 inches of snowfall this season in Minneapolis, which sees 54.7 inches of snow on average based on data from 1991 to 2020. Learn how the Farmers’ Almanac makes its predictions. The coldest day of the month for most, January 16th, featured lows of -10 to -30 F. While warmer air moved in to end the month, it came at the cost of widespread persistent cloud cover, as well as consecutive mornings of dense freezing fog and/or freezing drizzle which resulted in slick roads and vehicle accidents. Fire Weather Order Your U.S. 2021 Almanac Here. Did you know that the Farmers Almanac has been predicting the weather for over 200 years? Last winter was notably milder than average. "January is the most variable of the winter months, and is more dependent on the existence (or not) of blocking. At the end of January, total ice coverage across the basin was approximately 35 percent of average for this time of year. Head to the southern half of Goa for quieter beaches and smaller resorts. NOAA Weather Radio, Office Activities Multiple locations were found. (MyNorthwest photo) After the possibility of January snow entered the picture last week, those forecasts are quickly solidifying. Climate Graphs and Data Large American cities that are more likely than not have snow on January 1 include Buffalo, Rochester, Salt Lake City, Milwaukee and Minneapolis. The swirls of color visible across Lake Erie are the result of wind-driven waves stirring sediment from the bottom of the lake, which is the shallowest of the five Great Lakes. Another option in India experiencing good weather in January is Kerala, just under 400 miles to the south of Goa. Publicly available data from most of the seasonal models goes as far as the end of January 2021. January 19, 2020 at 8:28 am. Winter Outlook 2020: How cold, snowy will Chicago weather be this year? Coldest temperature? These winter 2020 weather predictions call for colder-than-average temperatures in Illinois and throughout most of the states, so be sure to bundle up when you go out. For Hull there is a likelihood of … Blizzards, record cold, and record heat have all grabbed headlines across Canada during the fall of 2020. This is reflected by both the NMME ensemble (below) and the Met Office ensemble, although the Met Office ensemble gives a higher probability of the ENSO state remaining weakly positive. Please Contact Us. Expected conditions (temperature and humidity) are too close to predict the type of precipitation. See the Chance of Snow Storms for any location. May result in Rain, Snow, or Sleet. Canadian Winter Weather Forecast 2020-2021 This contributed to warmer surface water temperatures across the five Great Lakes and inhibited ice formation along the surface of the lakes. Local Text Products Areas in and around Lynchburg are looking at 6 to 12 inches of snow, while Southside locations like Martinsville and Danville will receive 2 to 8 inches of … Temperatures across the Great Lakes states were 7°F to 9°F above the long-term mean during January, ranking in the warmest ten percent of Januaries in the last 126 years. The U.S. 2020-2021 Winter Forecast While many parts of the country made it through last winter with hardly any snow, this winter's forecast for the northern half of the United States is expected to be colder than average with more snow than usual in the Northern … Much of the Sierra Nevada, Cascade and Rocky Mountain ranges as well as the northern and central Plains, Great Lakes and much of the Northeast were blanketed by snow. Precipitation totals (left) and departures from normal (right) from January 2020 (note, erroneously high data in the Watertown area), from the Midwestern Regional Climate Center, Snowfall totals (left) and departures from normal (right) from January 2020, from the Midwestern Regional Climate Center. US Dept of Commerce A cold winter will arrive in 'full force by the start of 2020, with above-average snowfall coming down on the Northeast in January, from New York City to Boston, says AccuWeather. A stretch of I-29 was even closed for about an hour from Sisseton to Summit due to a jackknifed semi tractor-trailer. Uncertainty increases sharply after December 2019, but with high confidence that ENSO w… The Farmers Almanac Predicts Winter 2020 In Delaware Will Have Warmer Temps And Above Average Amounts Of Precipitation. On December 31, SWE values were similar to what was present the month prior with below median values across the Pacific Northwest and parts of the Bitterroots, above average SWE values across the Sierras, central and southern Rockies and parts of the High Plains and a smaller extent for SWE values in excess of 200 percent across the Southwest. In much of southern England no falling snow was recorded until the 27th February. Your complete Long Range Winter Snow forecast is ready now. There is some hope though, central North Carolina has never had a snow-free winter on record…but again, it is 2020! Will things be different this time? January 6, 2020 at 8:37 am. January 2020 Weather in New York — Graph °F. Below is a … On January 20, ice cover across Erie was merely 0.4 percent and 4.75 percent across Lake Ontario. On January 16, when the snow is heaviest, Scotland could be down to -4C, and Manchester and Birmingham is set to be at zero Credit: WXCharts. According to NOAA data analyzed by the Rutgers Global Snow Lab, the January snow cover extent was 1.3 million square miles, 58,687 square miles below the 1981-2010 average. By the end of January, SWE values were near- to above-normal across much of the Southwest, northern and central Rockies as well as parts of the Great Basin and eastern Oregon. Annual Weather SummaryNovember 2020 to October 2021. Aberdeen, SD824 391st Ave S.Aberdeen, SD 57401-9311605-225-0519Comments? UK weather forecast: This weather chart reveals where snow will fall at the end of January (Image: WX Charts) Brutally cold temperatures have brought heavy snowfall to … Winter 2020-21 indicators. Low ice coverage can allow for lake-effect snow events to affect coastal communities along these lakes much later in the winter season than on average. The severity of the 2019-2020 cold season, based on max/min temperature, snowfall, and snow depth or precipitation, has ranged widely from "Mild" to "Extreme" across the Northern Plains. Will it snow again in Seattle? NWS Aberdeen Conditions, Climate Temperatures in Goa in January are in the low thirties and sea is as warm as you'd find in Malindi and the Maldives. The sattelite image shown above illustrates the snowcover across Canada and portions of the states surrounding Lake Erie and Lake Ontario. A winter storm brought snow and ice to the West, Midwest and Northeast in mid-January 2020. The severity of the 2019-2020 cold season, based on max/min temperature, snowfall, and snow depth or precipitation, has ranged widely from "Mild" to … These winters averaged 50.1 inches of snow which were just 1.8 inches less than the 1981-2010 normal of 51.9 inches. The coldest periods will be in early to mid- and late December, late January, and late February. Local Storm Reports By January 7, nearly 13 percent of the snowcover melted, yielding the minimum CONUS coverage of 28.1 percent for the month. Only 1 to 3 inches; Largest snowfall? 2020-2021 US Winter Extended Forecast ECMWF ensemble has greater support for ENSO dropping to a neutral state. Below are such graphs from Aberdeen, Watertown and Pierre, in that order. On a whole, January 2020 finished near normal as an average temperature-wise across the area. Snow cover waned slightly as the month came to an end with 39.5 percent of the CONUS under a blanket of snow across the intermountain West and from the northern and central Plains into the Great Lakes and New England. By clicking on the point locations above (on the MRCC website), you can find graphs detailing their Categories through time. Blue = Chance of a Snow Storm.. Red = Chance of a Rain Storm.. Orange = Chance of a Winter Storm. See weather overview. NWS Warnings/Hazards EM Briefing Page, Weather Forecasts On average, the analog years showed above-normal snowfall in December and January. Seasonal models. Snowfall totals (left) and departures from normal (right) from January 2020, from the Midwestern Regional Climate Center . This 2020-2021 U.S. Winter Outlook map for precipitation shows wetter-than-average weather is most likely across the Northern Tier of the U.S. and drier-than-average weather … BOSTON (CBS) – An … Sorry, the location you searched for was not found. However, there were swings, namely, above average temperatures were in place generally in the beginning and ending thirds of the month while below average temperatures prevailed in-between. Please try another search. In fact, the record- to near-record lake levels in January will further contribute to coastal erosion concerns moving into late winter and early spring. The Weather Channel named this system Winter Storm Jacob . Below-average SWE values existed across the northern Sierra Nevada Range, much of the Pacific Northwest as well as parts of the southern Great Basin. And yes, you can expect a lot of snow. High & Low Weather Summary for January 2020 Temperature Humidity Pressure; High: 68 °F (Jan 11, 1:51 pm) 97% (Jan 4, 3:59 am) 30.74 … The most notable of these events occurred mostly on the morning of the 21st, when localized wind gusts of 60+ mph were recorded. Precipitation and snowfall for the month finished slightly above average across eastern and portions of north central South Dakota, but much of the rest of the area finished near or slightly below average. Below is Accumulated Winter Season Severity Index information as of February 1st, from the Midwestern Regional Climate Center. February 2020 » National Snow and Ice Northern Hemisphere Snow and Ice Fourty-one percent of the contiguous U.S. (CONUS) was covered by snow at the beginning of January according to NOAA's National Snow Analysis. Social Media January 2020 Weather in Edmonton — Graph °F. Aviation Weather By January 13, 26cm of snow … The major metro area scoring the best chance of a white New Year's is Minnesota's Minneapolis — St Paul, with its 78 percent probability of having at least an inch of snow on the ground. A strong, spring-like cold front, traversing the CONUS during mid-month, brought snowfall from the Texas Panhandle to New England, bringing the CONUS-wide snowcover to a maximum extent of 44.1 percent for the month. The coldest snap will hit during the last week of January 2020 and stretch into February, according to the forecast. While no widespread heavy snow event took place across the area, enough fell on the 17th to combine with strong winds on the 17th and 18th to produce widespread blizzard conditions. Questions? Winter storms could dish out a whopping 55 to 65 inches of snowfall this season in Minneapolis, which sees 54.7 inches of snow on average based on data from 1991 to 2020. High & Low Weather Summary for January 2020 Temperature Humidity Pressure; High: 39 °F (Jan 25, 2:00 pm) 100% (Jan 2, 12:00 am) 30.73 "Hg (Jan 2, … The snow total ranged from 19.4 inches (1975-76) to 73.2 inches (1974-75) - a very large range. Fourty-one percent of the contiguous U.S. (CONUS) was covered by snow at the beginning of January according to NOAA's National Snow Analysis. See Hour-by-hour Forecast for upcoming weather. Since 1818, the country’s most trusted almanac has put out long-range winter forecasts, originally to help the agricultural industry plan. This weather system will keep the storms active, delivering a wintry mix of rainy, icy and/or snowy weather throughout the season. Below-average snow cover was observed over much of the southern and central Plains, the Ohio Valley and the Mid-Atlantic region. Forecasts are mostly going for a weakly positive ENSO state early in the season, followed by a shift towards near-neutral ENSO towards the end of the season. The major cities listed here represent the 51 biggest metropolitan centers in the US, all those with over one million people in 2010.. January is the snowiest month of the year for over three-quarters of the major cities that regularly get snow. Above-average snow cover was observed across much of the intermountain West, the northern Plains and parts of the Great Lakes. The total annual water budget for agriculture and human use in the mountainous West is highly dependent on the amount of snow melt that will occur in spring and is proportional to the amount of snow on the ground, which can be approximated by a measure of the snow water equivalent (SWE). Filed Under: Boston News, Boston Snow, Snow Totals. Monthly Precipitation / Departure from Normal, Average temperature departures from normal during January 2020, from the Midwestern Regional Climate Center. Weather History Archive, Weather Safety National Weather Service The team, led by Mark Saunders, professor of climate prediction at UCL, wrote in a paper: "This would rank 2020 January-February central England as the coldest winter since January … Much of lowland UK saw very little snow. Enter any location. See Hour-by-hour Forecast for upcoming weather. Georgia Winter Forecast 2020-2021 Released By NOAA - Roswell, GA - The National Weather Service is the latest agency to predict what winter has in store for Georgia. In the rest of Wales dates between January 17 and 20 are most likely to see snow - with January 20 topping the list. January 1, 2020 at 6:00 a.m. January is Denver’s coldest month of the year, and it’s the heart of winter. Travel Forecast, Current Conditions

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