This site is unaffiliated. Primer September 16, 2019 by Community Spotlight -You like to fight control decks with politics and group-hug and chaotic spells. So, I don't exactly know where to go from here. -You like to win accidentally or in a highly amusing fashion. Land (39) 1 Ash Barrens 1 Command Tower 1 Crumbling … I think someone said something about free spells. Great card for giving away our permanents too. Commander, later dubbed Commander 2011, was the first set of preconstructed Commander decks, released on June 27th, 2011. Payload for the hand-wheel package: Smothering Tithe Now we're stinking RICH. She snapped her fingers and produced a mangled clockwork thopter from somewhere within her dress. Like casting Zedruu an drawing cards. Close. Feast your eyes on the wackiest new card from C19! Chaos decks aim to generate confusing and hilarious game states, and they often play with rules and create many levels of effects to sort through. Other helpful suggestions would be to recommend what to cut. Resetting Discussion — Aug. 8, 2014 . With so many double-edged swords and ticking time bombs, it's extremely difficult for your opponents to keep from blowing themselves to smithereens. I once made a deck around one of my favorite cards, Fractured Loyalty. "Of course, the whole point of the Doomsday machine is lost, if you keep it a secret. Durr. Playtest v1. Thanks. Zedruu, the Greathearted; Pramikon, Sky Rampart; Gisela, Blade of Goldnight; Strategy. Edit. This site © 2021, LLC D a v i n o t h on Marisi's Marching Band [Goad EDH] 2 minutes ago Omniscience_is_life: Thanks so much for the Upvote and great suggestions!Your comment (particularly the linked "Annoying pieces of shit" bit) gave me a good chuckle haha! Commander / EDH We don't really need our creatures for anything, though, so we can load up with Wraths: Chaos Warp Sure, use Warp to tuck my permanents. Mana Flare Suddenly mana! This is a complete ready-to-play 100-card deck, and all of the cards are authentic English-version magic cards. Zedruu Diplomatic Chaos. Zedruu Diplomatic Chaos. It'll fetch mana rocks or chaos stax as needed, preferably the latter. In 58 decks 5% of 1231 decks. Our power chaos cards generally cost five or more mana, so we need to to slow down the game and stall for time. Card Kingdom 742.83 - 780.65 . -You like hours-long games where things actually happen. Dual Shot – Cursed Combat. $2.99. Now gimme your Eldrazi. Guardado por Roxana Lugo Discord Server | Similar Deck Space Auto-suggestions. August 8, 2019 by Kya Vess . I seek your essence! Excellent article! Email us at if you need something The easiest breakdown of all the resources you need to win in commander categorizes them into means (raw amount of actions you can take: mana pool, total playable cards in hand, available combat damage) and agency (number of available choices: choosing between cards with different effects and purposes, holding open mana on opponents' turns, having activated abilities or removal for threats). Throes of Chaos. Copied to clipboard. Commander Showdown is a series that compares and contrast two similar commanders, analyzes differences in strategy and deck construction, and evaluates how those differences are represented by the data here on EDHREC. Magic the Gathering, FNM is TM and copyright Wizards of the Coast, Inc, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All rights reserved. Play Zedruu. Dig Through Time — Nemesis. Archaeomancer acts as emergency recursion for instants & sorceries, since we have some spicy ones. -You don't mind your opponents complaining about your deck or specific cards within, or the lack thereof. They'll usually crack it out of curiosity just to see what free stuff they get. ===spoiler: How I Learned to Stop Worrying … The key design concept is that we don't want to play any cards that our opponents can use against us to dismantle our chaos engines, so no enchantment/artifact destruction and minimal countermagic, none if possible (but we all know it really isn't.) The same goes for cards like Platinum Angel and Omniscience, cards that look big and scary but genuinely suck at ending the game (at least with this deck.). -You think it's utterly hilarious when you win by default because all your opponents give up and forfeit rather than figuring out how to resolve the stack. Zedruu, Giver of Chaos Commander / EDH Group Hug Lifegain RUW (Jeskai, America) I_Just_Like_Designing_Decks. They represent inherent card disadvantage because of their reliance on the enchanted creature. Edit Live Edit. (100 cards, 82 distinct) - Grenzo, Havoc Raiser, Scourge of the Throne, Helm of the Host, Chandra, Torch of Defiance, Mirage Mirror, Chromatic Lantern, Curse of Opulence Deckcycle Deckcycle Feature Queue. We've got a few true pillowfort bombs, and boy are they haymakers: Solitary Confinement If nothing else, Zedruu can give us the spare card draw each turn to keep powering Solitary indefinitely. Platinum Angel Big, dumb hockey puck for opponents to fight over. We want to sit at tables with decks that cost more money, play more aggressively, and generally dislike our face... and we still want to ramp up and take over the game. Privacy statement | Similar Deck Space Auto-suggestions. It's got split second, it negates opposing win conditions, and it lets us Donate creatures around to mess with people. Open into Wonder. Edit. After all, our opponents' decks are guaranteed to be better than ours, right? Hive Mind For obvious reasons, you might also consider playing cards like Pact of Negation, but I wouldn't advise it. My goat girlfriend burst into the room, fur matted, dress askew. Bribery This card is hilarious to play, AND hilarious on the surprisingly common occasions when it's played against us. One sided hate is not the way to go since if you get stifled or zedruu gets killed/locked out of the game then you are stuck with dead cards or worse, the downside hurts you. Same goes for Hall of Heliod's Generosity. Eye of the Storm Potentially hilarious when combined with cards like Reverse the Sands, Bribery and Reforge the Soul. Complete Comment Tutorial! Our main goals are as follows: Scramble the board state to mess with our enemies and get card advantage, then generate lots of free spells to cheat out bigger, more mana-intensive chaos cards. Coveted Jewel Because who doesn't love drawing cards, untapping mana, and punching each other in the face? Payloads for the unexpected storm package: Aetherflux Reservoir and Mind's Desire both do an excellent job of abusing the way many of these cards double and triple up on storm count. In every blue deck ever. What if Nicol Bolas is sapping and impurifying all of our precious bodily fluids?". The main logic behind Approach is that it's impossible for opponents to trigger the win, and the main logic behind Reservoir is that we can quickly reach 50 life with Zedruu and/or storm. Edit. By Joseph Megill. We don't protect Zedruu, we just play her when needed to refill our hand; and instead of using her ability to donate permanents, we give away cards by scrambling the battlefield. A multiplayer deck meant to have people abandon strategy and just slug each other to death in a fun (for me), chaotic way. Grip of Chaos is equally effective to - yet far more entertaining than - normal hexproof effects. Although this deck tend to grab Possibility Storm instead. Average Type Distribution. The purpose of these cards is to break up the timing of the game by letting players cast expensive spells much earlier into the game. Email us at if you need something Commander / EDH ", "And the combat round looks to be intense on Rakdos' side, having lost their commander in a scam deal to the opposing team. I like your synopsis on jerk cards, but I have an ethical disagreement with [[Celestial Dawn]]. Deckcycle Deckcycle Feature Queue. Edit. 1.5k members in the edhrec community. Game of Chaos. THEY'RE COMING OUT OF MY EYES), Prototype Portal (Think that was good? Can't imagine why. Heck, can this deck even give away win conditions and cause other players to win incidentally? Forget about pillowfort and "gift" cards; this deck is about chaos, plain and simple. Card Kingdom 223.96 - 228.54 . Perplexing Chimera should be in every Zedruu deck ever. Everybody gets some of our stuff; in fact, everybody gets some of everybody's stuff; and that suits Zedruu just fine. Updated Nov 07, 2020 by herpdederp92 using our MTG Deck Builder. Multiplayer Perplexing Chimera Now you have a chimera, now YOU have a chimera... Everyone should really have a chimera. $1.44. Playtest v1. Teferi's Puzzle Box because as far as we're concerned, control players can go tuck themselves. Card Kingdom 2670.19 - 3280.27 . "Are you all right, honey?" Deckcycle Deckcycle Feature Queue. Sept. 9, 2013. When looking for players that fall into this psychographic, I start with commanders, specifically those that reward other players for doing what they want. "Deterrence is the art of producing in the mind of the enemy the fear to attack." Chaos cards can do several different things with effects that include misdirection ... (Wally D.) writes for EDHREC in addition to being an author here on Add to folder Copy. Echo of Eons Did somebody say hand wheels? Auto-suggestions. She pressed against me, giving me a sultry look. Playtest v1. Help | Feeds | CRUNCH. Commander Showdown is a series that compares and contrast two similar commanders, analyzes differences in strategy and deck construction, and evaluates how those differences are represented by the data here on EDHREC. Free spells are great! Barderus. Suggestions. Knowledge Pool Commanders also don't trigger this. Modern Masters 2017 is just around the corner, and the set is chock full of amazing cards and sweet draft archetypes. Why Zedruu? Average Type Distribution. Privacy statement | "That's the whole idea of this machine, you know...". #chaos, #curse, #five color, #forced combat, #goad, #politics, #taunt, #wubrg Read More » Commander 2019 Preview Card. Another good plan is simply to use Rite of Replication and Clever Impersonator to clone whatever powerful stuff our opponents just played. Free Blightsteel Colossus on turn 4 is probably not a problem. Without any warning, she charged across the room and jumped head-first through the window. Platinum Angel. To those who enjoy theorycrafting, the basic essence of a chaos deck is actually a stax deck, but one that operates on players' resources in the exact opposite direction as a taxes deck like Grand Arbiter Augustin IV. This deck doesn't run Eye of the Storm and Bribery for nothing. And don't get me started about all the different ways the deck can keep shuffling Approach back in without ever getting to actually cast it from hand and resolve it. Looking for a unique Commander deck? Playtest v1. Nicol Bolas, Dragon-God. Yes, that's a cross between Veteran Explorer and Demonic Tutor. TCGPlayer $172.75 - 209.21 . Standard stax decks play to remove all their opponents' means to cast spells and win, perhaps by removing all their mana or all their cards in hand, then attempt to become the only deck with the agency to choose which cards are allowed to operate properly. Do your utmost to make sure your opponents don't get to resolve a card like Eidolon of Rhetoric, since that effect will suddenly hardlock everybody off from being able to cast spells. Other people can view your private deck by using this url, Seems there are no cards in the Acquireboard. Deckcycle Deckcycle Feature Queue. 20 9 6 0 0 0 $91. Influenced by Gaka's Norin the Wary Primer over on MTGSalvation. Deckcycle Deckcycle Feature Queue. MTG Muddstah – Zedruu vs Mistform vs Kraum | Tymna vs Grismold EDH / CMDR game play. Domri, Chaos Bringer (Card) Domri, Chaos Bringer. Archived. And they came out of your deck, yeah? Additionally, we're running a few generic Zedruu-esque stax pieces with the same goal in mind - slowing down the early game to live until the mid-late game: Plus some early draw power to keep up on lands and whatnot, and to feed off opponents doing crazy chaos stuff later in the game: In case of emergencies, break the glass on the vending machine and pull out all the change, specifically the changes to how the game works and is lost/won. Log In Sign Up. Widespread Brutality. Jeskai is best summarized by the oximoron aggressive planning. Multiplayer No, seriously. Articles and comments are user-submitted and do not represent official endorsements of this site. Braids, Conjurer Adept On the other hand, Braids is literally just a group hug card. Zedruu is possibly my favorite commander. I run a fairly competitive Zedruu deck and the best way to run is to lock the game and then benefit through the lock. The deck is inherently interactive and provides unique gameplay while not drawing hate (unless you have a reputation for being that kind of Zedruu player). I've had players complain about various cards like Scrambleverse, Confusion in the Ranks, and Timesifter, and all those cards have been cut for more entertaining strategies. Classic.". I'm discovering crazy synergies that I didn't build into the deck, playstyles (of which there are many) that suit my sense of fun, and 'new' cards (that I haven't considered yet) that would just be smashing if I had the room. Take me, feed me your life essence!" (Shoot, a fella could have a pretty good weekend in Vegas with all that stuff.). Card Odds Draw hand. $0.25. On the other hand, chaos decks like this do the exact opposite: they remove all of their opponents' agency to cast spells, perhaps by scrambling the effects of said spells, then give everybody huge amounts of means and attempt to be the only deck that can take advantage of that fact. An actual useful win condition like Laboratory Maniac or Felidar Sovereign or Purphoros, God of the Forge could just as easily be used by our enemies. TappedOut.js Blog Widget, Finally, it's a deck! Donate some stuff to people you don't like, preferably nasty stuff like Thought Lash or Pyromancer's Swath. Zedruu lets you play terrible cards, give them away to your opponents, and the draw tons of cards to replace them. Here's a link. Edit Live Edit. If you want to match Zedruu's card advantage engine with a general, you would have to play something like Azami, Lady of Scrolls or Arcanis the Omnipotent, at which point you are just playing mono-U and you're down 2 colors and all the charm of the lovely goat-person. Edit Live Edit. No really, you can skip it, I wrote it a long time ago trying to capture the flavor of Dr. Zedruulove. Kya is here to scratch that demented individual's itch for pure chaos and show everyone that a Warp World can be a fun experience! Terms of Use | That said, I actually like him the most when compared to his contemporaries. EDHREC; Recs; Search Core Set 2020 Set Review – Blue ... Outside of that rather obvious use, I would also expect to see this guy crop up in chaos decks as a means to keep an advantage after you’ve reshuffled everyone’s permanents all over the board. Complete Comment Tutorial! See our privacy policy. They're best enjoyed in casual games when the playgroup wants a laugh. Deckcycle Deckcycle Feature Queue. Protect Zedruu. ", Quiet crunching from out in the darkness. Usually, the Gifts vary from actively helping the gifted, to being "control neutral", to actively hurting whoever is the unfortunate soul that controls them, like Pyromancer's Swath . Now you're on 2 life, dummy. Love Zedruu… Upvote 0. 9 5 11 0 7 0 $75. 1.5k members in the edhrec community. Morale is low, but can they avoid taking home the bronze?". As far as I'm aware, this is as close as any effect in Magic gets to putting opponents' cards into your hand, save for Un-cards. Nemesis came out in 2000, and brought back Spellshapers, alternative casting costs, Mercenaries and Rebels from the previous set. Articles and comments are user-submitted and do not represent official endorsements of this site. Similar text to Possibility Storm, similar doubling of the storm count. Once we're secure in the knowledge that nobody understands what's going on or how to possibly win, we play Dr. Strangelove and ask her for help amassing enough value to survive the nuclear holocaust. Our goal is not simply to win, our goal is to have fun! Upvote 0. Idyllic Tutor Everybody's second copy of Smothering Tithe since 2019. So I had the idea to make a Zedruu deck, but I don't want to make the same deck as everyone else: playing permanents with negative effects and donating them to everyone else. Kodama of the East Tree Commander Legends (R) 6/6 Leg Cr - Spirit $4.49 . Glacial Chasm Because Solitary just isn't hard enough to interact with, so let's put it onto a land. You may opt-out at any time. The "Sideboard" is a list of cards I considered for the deck but ultimately didn't make the cut. Command your budget! I can always draw or tutor them back out, and I can't guarantee I won't flip over an Omniscience. Blim, Comedic Genius Commander Legends (R) 4/3 Leg Cr - Imp $0.35 . Updates Add. For you Zedruu players, what is your top 10 favorites? YerpyMoose. 14. The interaction between Eye of the Storm and Mind's Desire is particularly intense - an exiled Mind's Desire can trigger its storm from underneath the Eye, casting more instants and sorceries out of your deck, casting another Mind's Desire, triggering storm... and any opponent can steal the whole combo with any instant spell! Got it? You play to win the game.” These hallowed words were spoken by an irritated Herm Edwards, former coach of the NFL’s New York Jets and Kansas City Chiefs.Though Herm never played Magic (so far as I know), his message exemplifies the mindset of many EDH players. RUW (Jeskai, America). May 10, 2017 by Joseph Schultz . 'Nuff said. We already covered Mercadian Masques back in February. It's so funny to watch opponents stare at their hands, smoke curling out of their ears as they try to judge which cards we might think are too worthless to steal. It's beautiful... by which I mean it's a pathological monstrosity to resolve. Zedruu the greathearted EDH Commander / EDH* RUW (Jeskai, America) ExiledSenpai. Help | Daretti, Ingenious Iconoclast. This thread is archived. Domri, Chaos Bringer (Oathbreaker) Domri, Chaos Bringer. Average Type Distribution. Dr. Zedruu, or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Chaos. Hate getting mana screwed passiontely. Much better than a card like Devastation Tide, for example. Here at The Commander's Quarters we brew fun and focused $25 EDH decks. I can fly!" Like interacting with your opponents, and always having the last word. "A profound sense of fatigue, a feeling of emptiness..." She swooned in my arms, nearly poking my eye out with a horn. Just resetting the discussion. "Fine!" "Are you quoting things at me again, Dru? A couple turns of wheels and Smothering Tithe poops out dozens of treasures, and we end up with an effective Omniscience. Spoiler Timeline. "Chaos is a Ladder" The plan here is to use things like Confusion in the Ranks, Thieves Auction, Shared Fate etc., to create a ridiculously confusing scenario which plays very little like a normal game of Magic and where forward planning is next to impossible because it's impossible to predict what cards you'll have next turn (Teferi's Puzzle Box, etc.) She twitched again and dropped the thopter to the floor. So please, comment and assist me in crafting this monstrosity. Edit. If you have any recommendations, let me know! Angrath, Captain of Chaos (Oathbreaker) Angrath, Captain of Chaos. Unsubstantiate is vaguely a counterspell but can also target creatures, so it's not a dead card if we randomly cast it. EDHREC; Recs; Search. Email for Newsletter Subscription. Kaalia of the Vast. Shatter the Sky Do we have 4-power creatures? Edit. $1.44. Fight me. "Are you all right, honey?" TCGplayer: $0.00. Averna's Cascading Chaos Commander / EDH* RUG (Temur) I_Want_To_PlayAllTheDecks VampDemigod. Zedruu is quite a popular commander for strategies involving stax, pillowfort, and control. Auras are the black sheep of Commander. #gonti lord of luxury, #mtg muddstah, #neheb the eternal, #zedruu the greathearted Read More » MTG Muddstah — Dralnu vs Prossh vs Zedruu vs Gitrog Monster December 4, 2017 by Community Spotlight This, unfortunately, was practically normal behavior for Zedruu. The optimal reaction from our opponents goes something like this: "Hang on a second. Toggle Dark Mode Toggle Dark Mode Price Preference Default Price Switcher. enero de 2020. And Zedruu EXCELS at having fun. It wasn't. Not that it matters, since we're playing each other's stuff anyway, but sometimes you really just want that Glacial Chasm in hand, you know? Think Sunforger is the best card ever and want to use it. 1 Chain of Vapor 1 Rakdos Charm 1 Chaos Warp 1 Ancient Excavation 1 Evacuation 1 Bituminous Blast 1 Curtains' Call. This card has saved me from milling out multiple times. Knowledge Pool Everybody gets to see everybody's hand, because it really doesn't matter, because it's sitting on the table face-up in exile! Thanks! $0.50. Then why the hell are you playing that??!?". And here come the bombs. Ral Zarek. As I am newer to the game than many of the older players, I'm sure there are some greats that are suspiciously absent. Pyxis of Pandemonium Use Zedruu to donate Pyxis to whoever hits 7 mana first. The Royal Scions. This also frees the deck up to run lots of "dangerous" cards that give out free creatures, like Braids, Conjurer Adept. Clever Impersonator because sometimes, one copy of Omniscience just isn't enough. List of EDH Chaos Cards; List of EDH Draw Cards; List of EDH Group Hug Cards; List of EDH Ramp Cards; List of EDH Stax Cards; List of EDH Tutor Cards; Suggestions. You can now import it in the MTG Arena client. Playtest v1. Admin Regen Charts Download / Export / Embed Code. Sudden Substitution does everything we would want a counterspell in our deck to do. That sounds too much like an effective win condition. Commander Showdown — Zedruu vs Kynaios and Tiro. So most hate cards you run will have to be two sided. Similar Deck Space Auto-suggestions. Playtest v1. Besides slapping each opponent 11 times with a gorgeous goat lady, there are currently TWO other ways to win: Your average Ruskie doesn't take a dump without a plan. Gamble because inconsistency is the name of the game here. I like Domri, Chaos Bringer a lot, although I can’t help but laugh that his second iteration fell into the large pile of other four-drop red-green planeswalkers (Xenagos, the Reveler, Samut, the Tested, Sarkhan Vol, there’re really quite a lot of them). Admin Regen Charts Download / Export / Embed Code. Tokens. Attention! Edit. We've got tons of utility, from Tidal Barracuda to Clever Impersonator to Dockside Extortionist, but the closest thing to an actual wincon is Platinum Angel, the game-delaying hockey puck. Glass flew everywhere. She twitched and shoved me away. Or at least their hand of cards. Sudden Substitution Split-second Donate is fine. Every turn. Most if not all of the cards are near mint or at least very close to it. EDHREC; Recs; Search. I'll do it again, if you like), Timesifter (It's stomach o'clock! I called. This will require TappedOut.js included in your blog. I'm not looking for anything super competitive, just something that is fun to play that does have a chance to win. In 40 decks 0% of 12140 decks. Attention! Upvote 0. Very few players I've met knew that Shared Fate existed before I showed it to them. As follows: The purpose of these cards is to scramble everybody's hand every turn so nobody can plan what they're playing next. Zedruu EDH Commander / EDH Dopefish. — This site © 2021, LLC The purpose of these cards is to prevent players from making informed decisions about their spell casts by making the stack complicated and grafting tons of extra effects onto those spells. $2.08. Edit Live Edit. Here are some classic Puppet Master commanders, along with the numbers on their decks: Zedruu the Greathearted – 1499 decks × Close alert We hope you enjoyed the redesign of EDHREC that’s been up the past several days! Yay. "You're Dr. Strangelove. Zedruu & You. This is an aggressively insane deck for Dr. Zedruu, the Goathearted. DMCA requests | She looked at me askance, winding up the thopter. March 5, 2020 by SLVS . She ignored me, monologuing at thin air. Also an important piece of the deck's recursion package, since Echo gives us the opportunity to shuffle our graveyard back in once or twice. #cromat, #enchantress, #estrid's invocation, #hidden commander, #nylea's colossus, #o-kagachi vengeful kami, #zedruu the greathearted Read More » Commanders Brew – E161 – Tawnos Superfriends August 29, 2018 by Community Spotlight Dislike casting Zedruu and not drawing cards. "Yep, she's quoting things again," I muttered, picking myself up off the floor. share. Enchantment (3) 1 Burgeoning 1 Waste Not 1 Frenzied Fugue. Emphasis on the somewhat. Shared Fate Read it carefully, then read it again. ", "URK!" MTG Muddstah – Zedruu vs Azami vs Atraxa vs Saffi: Dig Through Time — Saviors of Kamigawa: Commander Showdown — Inalla vs Azami: Dig Through Time — Planar Chaos: Recent Decks. Feeds | No thanks, keep that away from me, Zedruu is allergic to wincons. Mandatory FUN. I designate Chimera as the most powerful bit of countermagic in the deck, and its best attribute is that it's a permanent. AH-CHOO! Think creatively! Posted by. the Zedruu Archetype Show The base of every Zedruu deck is divided in three parts; the Gifts, the Not Gifts, and the How We Get There. Unfortunately, just last week I Aetherflux'd myself in the face because of Grip of Chaos, which was rather humbling. Don't even talk to me about Female Leovold, the Ruskie Planeswalker. "I mean..." I hesitated. Open the Vaults gives destroyed chaos stax a second shot at life. "URK!" Terms of Use | $0.16. Clipboard (0 Cards) Card Kingdom: $0.00. Card Kingdom 168.68 - 183.58 . Jeskai is methodical and cunning, but always play with a strong gameplan and aggressive disruption. Customers who purchased Commander Legends: Averna, the Chaos Bloom also bought... Liesa, Shroud of Dusk Commander Legends (R) 5/5 Leg Cr - Angel $0.69 . Zedruu & You. Except when you have a … Whatever, it's still more fun than Wrath of God. Edit Live Edit. Wild Evocation may look like a pure group hug card (free spells yay), but keep in mind that casting the revealed spell isn't optional. Deckcycle Deckcycle Feature Queue. Take a look at this deck's creature package. Curses? "Wheeee! I want my Zedruu deck to spread chaos, not necessarily to win. Zedruu the Greathearted's most important function is the card draw.Zedruu can feed you disgusting amounts of cards. Don't mind losing green and black. This ball of fun has been the subject of my attention ever since I put it up on tappedout. Press J to jump to the feed. $0.09. I found out that an Aura’s disadvantage is greatly diminished when it’s a “control Aura.” These trade a card for a card. 70 decks (0.576%) Average Type Distribution. This is my personal Zedruu Chaos deck. I found out that an Aura’s disadvantage is greatly diminished when it’s a “control Aura.” These trade a card for a card. Aikido Zedruu Chaos Commander / EDH* Group Hug RUW (Jeskai, America) Ganked. "I landed in the rose bushes... Unicorns don't have wings, do they? Cyclonic Rift Rarely are our opponents in a position to overload this sucker, so we don't risk much by running it. Magic the Gathering, FNM is TM and copyright Wizards of the Coast, Inc, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All rights reserved. Please tell me you're not trying to hard-lock the game with (insert notorious stax card here). TCGPlayer $1854.35 - 2558.37 . Look out for Confusion in the Ranks (wtf steal all the things), Grip of Chaos (AAAAAAAAAAAAAWTH), Bludgeon Brawl (I WILL HIT YOU WITH MY BOX), Warp World (what the... okay then...), Arcbound Ravager (OMNOMNOMNOM), Emeria Angel (THE BIRDS! This deck’s got you covered! Zedruu EDH: Brawling Chaos Commander / EDH Multiplayer Tokens. I said. Card Kingdom 428.46 - 457.56 . ", "Oh, I get it!" This will require TappedOut.js included in your blog. Hive Mind Domri, Chaos Bringer. 83% Upvoted. This annoying message will go away once you do. You could also run Venser, Shaper Savant for more ways to fight the stack. EDHREC provides excellent insight into Puppet Masters. 95 decks (0.782%) Average Type Distribution. Edit Live Edit. Warp World I mean hey, you have permanents, yeah? save. Edit. #commander vs, #krav the unredeemed, #okaun eye of chaos, #pir imaginative rascal, #regna the redeemer, #rowan kenrith, #toothy imaginary friend, #will kenrith, #zndrsplt eye of wisdom Read More » EDH Gameplay – Affinity for Commander Episode 9: Darigaaz & Meren & Anafenza VS Narset 89 comments. What a Ruskie card! I've watched my opponents Wrath their own creatures too many times to count. The only problem is that I don't necessarily have the budget for the manabase for a Karona, the False God deck (usually the go-to chaos commander, right?). Checkout Acquireboard. I sighed. "Mmm, these are delicious!". "Oh, I sense your power! This annoying message will go away once you do.

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