Sour, Mildew Smell: Check for Standing Water If you’ve noticed a sour, mildewy smell, check your home for any standing water that may be trapped in the washing machine, dishwasher, bathtub or sink. Some girls just spray on perfume, while others actually shower. Synonyms for bad smell include stench, reek, stink, funk, mephitis, noisomeness, pong, whiff, malodour and niff. Rotten Food Without holding your breath. I used to have out door cats and my garage smelt so bad I was happy the day they left. I like the smell of blood it reminds me of cloudy days and makes me hungry. :-P, Maybe we smell bad, but that is not all girls, some girls spray on perfume and it smells like the pavement after a rainy night mixed with GUCCI(a brand of perfume) perfume. I am sitting in my house right now and there must be a skunk underneath my porch or something because the whole ground floor smells like skunk. Whatever the culprit of your fridge's stink, simply scrubbing down surfaces is likely not enough. Find more similar words at! one time I threw up in the bathroom and the room smelt like puke for like 2 hours. I hate morning breath. Some perfume isn't good, or they wear too much. This morning I had to wash my face with soap because the breath was that bad. Avoid it at all costs! I love the smell of my A+ blood! The smells vary from person to person but are usually unpleasant, such as burnt toast, metallic, or chemical smells. We might skip it for now. 9. It's like the tardis, only horrifying. Some girls have such amazing smells ever. It's because they did not eat well, maybe, but the smell of these girls is unbearable. Don't smell that. When I was 2 years old all my relatives said that my poopy diapers are really stinky. One scientist even subjected it's smell to an electronic nose, a device that detects urinary infections and tuberculosis on which it tested positive! Leather seats. Synonyms: nose, scent, sniff… Antonyms: rock, rule… Find the right word. The A.V. Find more ways to say smells, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. But truthfully they do (everyone does it's a way to pass the bad gas in your stomach) and when they do it its in their own home but ten times worse the others. EGG farts?! Let's be honest — gasoline smells amazing. Survival of the smelliest. The other day I was taking a bath and I get in and I realized the whole bath had vomit in it. Two years ago, we got a contract to service the old goods lifts of a local supermarket chain. THE WORST! I think the 7 kids smell fat man poo every day. 9 Medical Reasons Why Your Dog Might Smell Bad. These scent hounds, however, tend to smell bad because of their long floppy ears. Nothing worse than cat poo. In yo face! I hate vomit, barf, throw up, spewing, and blowing chunks. Archaeologists on an evacuation of a medieval latrine in the Danish city of Odense found that the 14th century toilets which were nothing but repurposed barrels, were still reeking of poop. Men also smell bad sometimes, but I have worse experiences with women (although there are some girls that smell of soap and others smell like grapes, and even acrid, but those few girls have hygiene). Yeah, I agree that farts smell terrible, but the smell depends on what you ate. Having a dry mouth, or an underlying medical condition can also cause your … Or pass. Synonyms for Bad Smell (other words and phrases for Bad Smell). and I feel sick the whole day after that. Call me crazy but I love the smell of rotten eggs! 6. Oh Boy man does it stink. In fact, that's one of the main things a girl should do. If a dog fart has woken you up in the middle of the night, you know it's bad. Smell good! My mom can't stand the smell. When a Dirty Diaper is left there it starts to rot and become very iky, Once for a science fair, I watered beans with milk to see how well they grow, but after a month, they smelled EXACTLY like dirty diapers so my mom had to check my little brother! Lingering smells … In 19th-Century America, Fighting Disease Meant Battling Bad Smells The history of unpleasant odor, or miasma, has unexpected relevance in the time of … I usually offer her a piece of gum, My brothers morning breath smells TERRIBLE its almost as bad as his underarm B.O and we share a room and he always breathes in my face and I cannot bet away. Try these carpet cleaning tips for pet owners. I hate when people take off there shoes and I have to hold my nose I say PU Stinky feet and hold my nose # pu stinky. Recent research has pinned down the fact the planet smells like rotten eggs. I never could quite understand how a dog can be so small and still manage to clear a room with a single fart. It smells awful. Offensive! In los angeles. Rafflesia arnoldii. The problem is the odor lingers for hours, plus it sticks to your hair and clothes, so you'll smell like you crawled out of a trash can even after you leave the lab. Bad code smells can be an indicator of factors that contribute to technical debt. Everybody has that though. An experience was when at a party, a female teen friend took me to dance with me, she took off her heels and the smell was horrible that even my nose and forehead hurt. 1. A team of astronomers discovered recently that it is none other than Hydrogen Sulfide, a gas that gives it that distinct smell and which is present abundantly in the atmosphere of Uranus.
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